Thursday, September 1, 2011

How do you Feel???

What do you think??? There is a new billboard up in Grand Rapids that says their motto! How does it make you feel??? I'd really like to know! Here are my thoughts on what is straight off of their homepage:

1. I already live without religion. What I have is a relationship with God. So I support the name of the URL.

2. The first paragraph indicates that "to hope, to care, to love. We have all experienced these fundamental feelings." Sorry but hope, care and love to me are not feelings... they are actions... they are lived out... they are desires... they are ambitions.... not feelings. Happy, sad, mad- those are feelings. Continuing from that paragraph "They help define what it is to be human. These important elements of a fulfilling human life are experienced by religious and non-religious people alike." Again, what I have is not religion but that's not the point.... do you really think you can be fulfilled with feelings?!?!? Trust me... I haven't met a human being YET that isn't in need of God... HE CREATED US THAT WAY!!!! So feelings will NEVER fulfill you!! Only God can truly fill your life and your purpose here on earth!!

3. To quote "One reason this myth persists is many religious believers see their god or their faith as the basis for emotions such as hope, caring, and love. We don’t deny that the religious may find inspiration in their beliefs—but our religious friends should not presume that accepting their beliefs is necessary for a fulfilling life." Inspiration?!? I find aspiration from my God... I aspire to be just like Him, thank you very much!! And again what I already said above... go ahead and believe that you can feel fulfilled without God but I guarantee you won't EVER feel full! P.S. I'm not a RELIGIOUS friend... I'm a believing, living it out, PRAYING FOR YOU friend!

4. "We who are nonreligious lead meaningful lives without reliance on the supernatural. Moreover, we believe anyone can find meaning in a life that is human-centered and focused on the here and now instead of the hereafter." I'd like to hear what you have to say about this on judgement day.

My final thought on "living without religion" - I already do that. I live with God in heart! And I can't wait to spend eternity worshiping Him!

The statistic this website posts is that 1 out of 6 Americans has no religious affiliation.... but the most important stat is that 10 out of 10 people that believe in God and Jesus Christ will go to heaven and 10 out of 10 people that do not believe in Him will go to Hell. 

Living it out!
To hope, to care, to love. We have all experienced these powerful, fundamental feelings. They help define what it is to be human. These important elements of a fulfilling human life are experienced by religious and nonreligious people alike.
To hope, to care, to love. We have all experienced these powerful, fundamental feelings. They help define what it is to be human. These important elements of a fulfilling human life are experienced by religious and nonreligious people alike.
To hope, to care, to love. We have all experienced these powerful, fundamental feelings. They help define what it is to be human. These important elements of a fulfilling human life are experienced by religious and nonreligious people alike.
To hope, to care, to love. We have all experienced these powerful, fundamental feelings. They help define what it is to be human. These important elements of a fulfilling human life are experienced by religious and nonreligious people alike.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Does Your Prayer Life Need CPR?

Hey girls! You've been there right?? "Dear Jesus, Thank you for my blessings, thank you for creating me..... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"! Well NO MORE! I have just finished a great study on the Lord's prayer!

 It teaches you that you need to focus on the concept of each phrase that Jesus prayed in His prayer not the words specifically:

Our Father, who is in heaven
(Acknowledge God's relationship with us)
Hallowed be Your name
(His name is holy and worthy to be praised)
Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven
(Pray that the kingdom of God will reign and come to those who need Him and seek His will for your life)
Give us today our daily bread
(Ask Him to provide for your needs for TODAY)
Forgive us our debts as we also forgive our debtors
(Not only do we need to be forgiven for our sins but we need to forgive others that have wronged or hurt us)
And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the Evil One
(We need strength to overcome temptation and we certainly need God to defeat Satan!)
For yours is the kingdom, the power and the glory forever Amen
(God's kingdom and power needs to be evident in our lives and we need to praise HIM for it all!)

So next time you start praying girls- Take each section of Jesus' prayer and REALLY pray. Talk with God. Have a convo. Speak as though He's your BFF! No fancy words. No made up emotions. Speak your heart! Besides He knows when you aren't being sincere so be real!

This is how I picture myself when I communicate with Jesus!! :)

Living it out!


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The New Love of My Life!

Hey girls!!! It has been FOREVER! So what's happened since I last posted????

NUF SAID!!! :) This is my angel- Melody Faith Begeman! And I'm in love! Well now that I'm a stay at home mom... I'll have WAY more time to blog so PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE check in often to see the latest! AND COMMENT AWAY!!! Love you all!
